Weekly Tips

Using Pinterest for Content Marketing

Pinterest for Content Marketing

It seems Pinterest isn’t just for recipes, crafts, decorating and DIY.  If you aren’t using Pinterest to promote your marketing content, you need to start thinking about it.  Why?


  • In 2 yrs surpassed 10 million users –
  • Capable of driving more referral traffic than twitter
  • Pinterest users are twice as likely to interact with brands than people on Facebook

Tips for Pinterest

  • Write unique quality content- Seems article pins are the new big thing
  • Very important : Add visually appealing images. It’s the first thing people will notice even if you are pinning an article. Make the image descriptive and relevant to the content
  • Pins do show up in Google searches

Just like other forms of social media Pinterest may not be for all businesses.  Do a little research and see if Pinterest can work for you

(For a little more information check out this blog article.

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Weekly Tips

Looking for Ways to be More Productive?

Be More Productive

I came across a great Infographic by Anna Vital founder of Adioma with tips on how to get more out of your day and be more productive.  Some of these tips may apply to work, some to home and some to both.   I hope some of these will help you be more productive and get more accomplished in your day.

Infographic How to Be Productive by Anna Vital, founder of Adioma
  • Do the easiest things first
  • Tune out the news
  • Visualize your end product
  • Spend less time on trivial things like what to wear
  • Learn what to ignore
  • Know the 80/20 rule. What 20% of work produces 80% of result?
  • When energy is low, take a nap
  • Prioritize one item per day
  • Visualize the end product
  • Discard what you stop using
  • Manage anxiety by running, dancing, working out
  • No meetings unless they are decisive

Last and most importantly,

  • Treat time as your money!

Start with one or two of these tips and see if they help you get more productivity out of your day.

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Web Tools

Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop

  • Chrome (if you don’t have it download it) – CLICK HERE
  • Open Chrome
  • Sign into Google (if you don’t have an account you can create one HERE
  • Install Chrome Remote desktop HERE
    You will see a button on the top right that says “+ FREE”, Click That.
    You will need to approve a access and privacy issues.  If you want to use this you will need to agree

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How Do You Retain Customers?


Here are some tips on how to retain customers.  People say these work for them.

  • If you sell a product follow up in two weeks and ask how the product is working for them
  • Build a relationship and exceed the customer’s expectations
  • Under promise but over deliver
  • If a customer wants or needs something or has a question you can’t answer, find a way to get what they need.  They will appreciate you went the extra mile
  • Stay in touch at least quarterly
  • Treat customers fairly and always be honest and upfront
  • Give them a reason to come back with discounts, referral rewards and great website content
  •  All of the things listed above fall under the most important category “Customer Service “which can make or break a business.

I bet 90 % of us have stopped doing business with a company because of poor customer service.

Remember this quote that is simple and to the point.  “Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job.”


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What Do Customers Want from a Business?

What Do Customers Want from a Business?

1. Great products and services.

2. Competitive Prices.

Can you guess the third?  Come on. Think.  It shouldn’t be hard.

3. Superior customer service.

Bad customer service can really hurt a business.  Providing superior customer service isn’t only the right thing to do, it’s a must.  Here’s why:

  • Twice as many people share bad customer service experiences over good experiences
  • 86% of consumers stop doing business with a company that provided a bad customer service experience
  • 73% of consumers said they gave up on a brand because of rude and incompetent customer service personnel but
  • 40% said they would spend more money with a company with superior customer service
  • 8 out of 10 consumers said they would pay a little more for superior customer service

Now here’s a startling fact : The latest Annual Mystery Shopping Study showed that only 10 out of 100 top online merchants made the cut for “stellar” customer service.  Wow!

Looks like consumers have raised the bar for what they consider superior customer service.  Invest more in this aspect of “marketing”   and deliver superior customer service.  Remember, It’s not just the right thing to do it’s something you must do.

Source infographic  3-2013

More to consider…

What else do customers want from a business?

How can you help them get it?

How can you provide better customer service even if you have a 5 star rating?

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Why Do You Need Interactive Content?

Why Do You Need Interactive Content?

Content marketing was king and that use to be enough.  However, people are moving away from reading text and are looking for things that will engage them.  More and more marketing now includes “interactive content” which can help get more leads.

“Interactive content is content that starts dialogue with your audience and leads to an exchange of information.”   It allows participation.

On average, when companies produce and distribute interactive content, they generate:

  • Click rates of 50%
  • Lead form completion rates of 80%
  • Social sharing rates of 20%

Compare that with average email click rates of 5%

Here are tips to incorporate interactive content.

Video that answers some of your customer’s questions.

Interactive product demos

Rotating or sliding content

Polls, surveys

Trivia quizzes

Contests, like photo contests

Think about what interactive content you can incorporate into your marketing that will have an impact, keep your audience engaged and help them remember you and your business.

Content needs to stand out.  When you stand out the possibilities are endless.

Stats source:

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Do You Prepare Before a Task?

Do You Prepare Before a Task?

Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening my axe” is a quote by Abe Lincoln.

The meaning I get from this quote is.. you need to take time to find and then use the best tools to complete your task. Not sure Abe needed 4 hrs to sharpen his ax. Even with a dull ax he probably could have chopped the tree down in less than the four hours he spent sharpening. But he knew a dull ax would make the task longer, more tiring, dangerous and even more frustrating. You get the idea.

To get things done efficiently you have to prepare before you actually work on your task to make sure you have the right tools for the job. Working with the wrong tools will waste time and energy. This thought process can be applied to things at work and home.

You decide you are going to paint a room. You go to the store without preparing a list of things you need to do the job, like paint, rollers, brushes, tarp, paint tray etc.  You get home and realize you didn’t get the painters tape.  That’s a very important tool to get the job done quicker and neater.  So now you make another trip out to the store and waste time or you have to paint slower and be more careful because you don’t have the painter tape protecting your woodwork.

A boy scout would say “Be Prepared” and we all know the saying “Haste Makes Waste.”  Making sure you have the right tools for the job and have them within arm’s reach as you start your task, will help you  complete your task efficiently.  Sometime the prep work isn’t the most fun but it will make the job easier.   Imagine a chef not having the food prepped before dinner service.  How efficiently would food be served to diners working that way?  That longer wait time may just lose that restaurant a few customers.

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Weekly Tips

How to Use Business Cards to Promote Your Business

Do you think business cards are an outdated marketing tool?  According to an article on Manta and the comments by readers the answer is no.

There are a lot of reasons these little, dependable, easy to carry cards should not be forgotten.   Let’s face it.  Wherever you are, using business cards are a personal way of giving potential customers your information.  It makes it easy for them to get back to you.  In this age of technology we have lost the personal connection with people.  Having something tangible to pass out that is eye catching and attractive, will be memorable.

Here are some TIPS for business cards:

  • Design should be colorful, eye catching and compliment your website.
  • Paper should be high quality. Glossy cards will stay cleaner but people won’t be able to easily jot notes on them.
  • Use an easy to read font size and color.
  • Don’t put too much information on your card to where it looks cluttered and hard to read.  Include the basic contact information, names, phone numbers, fax, email etc.  Also include your logo and tagline /catchphrase.  Nowadays it’s not unusual to see a photo on a business card to help people put a face to the business.
  • Order a sufficient amount to cover a few months.  As your business grows and changes some of the information you want on your business card may change too.  You should also change the design every so often especially if the design and or colors of your website change.
  • Lastly, triple check all the info.  Who wants a bunch of business cards coming back from printing with incorrect information?

Think about business cards as adding “Spice” to your marketing plan.  Small, Personal, Informative and Cost Effective, business cards are still a great way to reach out to prospects and leave a reminder of your brand.

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Healthy Living

Manic Mondays

Manic Mondays can cause stress. Knowing how to manage your day can be a huge help.

So you had a great weekend.  Maybe you slept in late, played some golf, saw the latest blockbuster movie or took a little road trip.  Maybe you did all those things.  The weekend is over and now comes Monday.  Manic Monday. Remember that Bangles song?   Maybe some of you will.

Here are some tips that we tweaked, from “Prevention”  to help make Monday a less sullen day.  Try some of these simple things the next time Monday rolls around.  Your Manic Mondays may just turn into a Motivational Monday!

  • Forget the healthy breakfast.  Have any leftover pizza or chocolate cake?  Indulge yourself and eat something for pleasure rather than health.   You have 6 other days to eat the healthy oatmeal, eggs, or bran cereal.
  • Do a good deed.  Open the door for someone, bring in muffins to work or let someone go ahead at the gas pump.  You will make someone’s day and you will feel good too.  Acts of kindness lower stress.  Who knows?  They may pay it forward and a few more people will benefit and have a better Monday because of you.
  • Wear an outfit to work you have been saving for a special occasion.  You will look and feel great and people will wonder what’s up?
  •  Have lunch with a friend and catch up on only good news.
  •  Spend a few minutes sitting or walking in the sun and soak up some vitamin D.
  • Plan an early morning work out to increase endorphins.
  • Look at a photo of a loved one or pet (yes we love our pets) or a favorite vacation spot.  It will activate the brain with feelings off well being and reduce stress.

These little things can help you start the week out with a more positive vibe.  Give it a try.

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Weekly Tips

Using Testimonials As A Marketing Tool

What do clients think of your business?  Customers research businesses and look for reviews of those businesses. Having testimonials on your website and on your google places or yahoo local listings can attract new clients. Think about it. If you are researching two companies who are competitors, one has rave reviews on their website and listings and the other doesn’t, who would your first choice be?  Here are some tips for testimonials.

Tips for Testimonials

  • Ask Permission
  • Put full name and contact information of the person providing the testimonial
  • The testimonial should be the customers own word
  • Add their picture if possible
  • General testimonials are good but a specific testimonial about what your company did for them helps customers understand what results they will  get by working with you

Testimonials add credibility and help show trust.  Take time every once in a while to ask ‘satisfied customers” if they would mind writing a brief review of how your company helped them solve their problem or helped them achieve or surpass a goal. It may just help a  potential customer to “take action”.


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