What Do Customers Want from a Business?
1. Great products and services.
2. Competitive Prices.
Can you guess the third? Come on. Think. It shouldn’t be hard.
3. Superior customer service.
Bad customer service can really hurt a business. Providing superior customer service isn’t only the right thing to do, it’s a must. Here’s why:
- Twice as many people share bad customer service experiences over good experiences
- 86% of consumers stop doing business with a company that provided a bad customer service experience
- 73% of consumers said they gave up on a brand because of rude and incompetent customer service personnel but
- 40% said they would spend more money with a company with superior customer service
- 8 out of 10 consumers said they would pay a little more for superior customer service
Now here’s a startling fact : The latest Annual Mystery Shopping Study showed that only 10 out of 100 top online merchants made the cut for “stellar” customer service. Wow!
Looks like consumers have raised the bar for what they consider superior customer service. Invest more in this aspect of “marketing” and deliver superior customer service. Remember, It’s not just the right thing to do it’s something you must do.
Source helpscout.net infographic 3-2013
More to consider…
What else do customers want from a business?
How can you help them get it?
How can you provide better customer service even if you have a 5 star rating?