Here are some tips on how to retain customers. People say these work for them.
- If you sell a product follow up in two weeks and ask how the product is working for them
- Build a relationship and exceed the customer’s expectations
- Under promise but over deliver
- If a customer wants or needs something or has a question you can’t answer, find a way to get what they need. They will appreciate you went the extra mile
- Stay in touch at least quarterly
- Treat customers fairly and always be honest and upfront
- Give them a reason to come back with discounts, referral rewards and great website content
- All of the things listed above fall under the most important category “Customer Service “which can make or break a business.
I bet 90 % of us have stopped doing business with a company because of poor customer service.
Remember this quote that is simple and to the point. “Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job.”